Find valuable information from CVs through automation

We all know how important it is to send the right CV to a prospective employer. A perfect candidate might lose on the perfect opportunity without having the right curriculum vitae to show for it. This is why SELISE built a career portal that automates the entire process of finding information out of the CVs and matching them with potential jobs within Salesforce. Previously, the process of finding information was done manually, resulting in a backlog of thousands of incomplete candidate profiles. To counter this problem, SELISE implemented a parsing tool, which allowed the system to identify applications with attached CVs, parse the information from them, and record the data within Salesforce.

Perfect Match: Connecting Talents and Companies

Perfect match – for both sides and with just a few clicks find the right employer or employee. We have built a talent pool that makes this possible. Talents can register, create a profile (including an intro video) and stay in touch with their employer of choice. Companies, in turn, can directly contact potential candidates or talents from the desired industry or function. Connect talents and employers to have a coffee and get to know each other, no strings attached.

Seamless Invoice Transfer with We Talent

We Talents is the first talent and job matchmaking platform in Switzerland. Everything that recruiters and job seekers need is built right into it. With one single account, you can hire and get hired. We Talent offers easy skill and portfolio management, a live chat feature, in-built invoicing, talent suggestions, job recommendations, easy talent and job search, and many more.

Simplify HR operations with HR Simplix Payroll

Payroll, attendance and absence management – we developed a simple system for better management of HR operations especially for small companies and start-ups. With this payrolls can be created easily and efficiently based on tax and insurance logic, without the need for additional complex systems.

Interface for ERP system

As time passes we move further into digital space. Companies are no exception. As a result SELISE has recently developed a full-fledged ERP software for one of our customers in the start-up and services industry. The ERP consists of multiple modules making work life simpler by integrating details about all products with the Product Information Management module.