Find valuable information from CVs through automation

We all know how important it is to send the right CV to a prospective employer. A perfect candidate might lose on the perfect opportunity without having the right curriculum vitae to show for it. This is why SELISE built a career portal that automates the entire process of finding information out of the CVs and matching them with potential jobs within Salesforce. Previously, the process of finding information was done manually, resulting in a backlog of thousands of incomplete candidate profiles. To counter this problem, SELISE implemented a parsing tool, which allowed the system to identify applications with attached CVs, parse the information from them, and record the data within Salesforce. This was done using specific keywords for the CVs/resumes provided by the candidates, and running a .NET script on the parsing tool. The process also identifies applications with unsupported attachments, along with the complete parsing of thousands of CVs, making the prospective candidate and employer’s lives much more convenient!